First some notes:
I haven't picked up an AP Style book in years, as in it was a book. So, be forgiving of
style and grammar errors, please. Though I appreciate corrections.
There are some attempts at inside jokes. If you missed the last two blotters it's either
that or my writing that's confusing you.
10/20, 12:05 am, a person called about a verbal disturbance they were engaged in with
their significant other who may or may not have had an affair with another person. Closed.
Not an offense.
their significant other who may or may not have had an affair with another person. Closed.
Not an offense.
10/20, 4:07 pm, a person called about wishes of their and their family’s murder that were
made over Facebook from someone (or post from a FB group or FB page) in Wyoming.
Closed. Not an offense.
made over Facebook from someone (or post from a FB group or FB page) in Wyoming.
Closed. Not an offense.
10/21, 7:25 am, driver committed unnecessary loss of traction. The car’s safety system
were then tested against the staying power of a tree. Driver cited for violation of Intermediate
Driver’s Restrictions, and lying and/or providing misleading statements to a public servant.
No word on the car vs tree outcome.
were then tested against the staying power of a tree. Driver cited for violation of Intermediate
Driver’s Restrictions, and lying and/or providing misleading statements to a public servant.
No word on the car vs tree outcome.
10/21, 9:49 am, the 18 year-old child of a woman threw a game controller at her, fracturing
her eye socket. The 18 year-old was transported and booked into Clark County Jail for
Assault, 2nd Degree.
NOTE on this report: This writer is curious about this incident. Alleged perpetrator is an
adult. I considered contacting Clark County Jail to get the name of the person booked into
jail. I certainly would not print it here, but only because I live in such a small town.
Personally, I land on the public’s right to know side in this case. It could make an interesting
discussion point for this blotter, if you’re interested in discussing privacy vs the public good
in a small town).
her eye socket. The 18 year-old was transported and booked into Clark County Jail for
Assault, 2nd Degree.
NOTE on this report: This writer is curious about this incident. Alleged perpetrator is an
adult. I considered contacting Clark County Jail to get the name of the person booked into
jail. I certainly would not print it here, but only because I live in such a small town.
Personally, I land on the public’s right to know side in this case. It could make an interesting
discussion point for this blotter, if you’re interested in discussing privacy vs the public good
in a small town).
10/21, 4:15 pm, A dog escaped its yard and acted aggressively toward a pedestrian and the
pedestrian’s dog. Dog owner given a verbal warning. The incompetent yard escaped citation.
pedestrian’s dog. Dog owner given a verbal warning. The incompetent yard escaped citation.
10/21, 10:10 pm, (Yeah, I’m just going to copy this straight from the police report, very slightly
edited for clarification)
edited for clarification)
The officer wrote: While entering I5 Northbound at MP 14 with my lights and sirens activated,
a vehicle failed to yield. I passed the vehicle on the right and it accelerated to keep up with
me. My call response changed and I turned off my emergency lights except for the rears.
a vehicle failed to yield. I passed the vehicle on the right and it accelerated to keep up with
me. My call response changed and I turned off my emergency lights except for the rears.
The vehicle then accelerated very close to my patrol car. I began to slow and turned off the
rear lights. The vehicle passed me and I paced it at 98 MPH. I attempted to stop the vehicle
as we got close to the Woodland exit. I activated my lights and siren again and it fled at a high
rate of speed, blowing the light at the end of the off-ramp.
The vehicle fled up NW Hayes Road and I terminated the pursuit. It was last seen passing
Backman Road at approximately 120 MPH. I got a look at the driver when she passed me
on the freeway and it matched the registered owner of the vehicle. There is PC to arrest her
for reckless driving and eluding.
rear lights. The vehicle passed me and I paced it at 98 MPH. I attempted to stop the vehicle
as we got close to the Woodland exit. I activated my lights and siren again and it fled at a high
rate of speed, blowing the light at the end of the off-ramp.
The vehicle fled up NW Hayes Road and I terminated the pursuit. It was last seen passing
Backman Road at approximately 120 MPH. I got a look at the driver when she passed me
on the freeway and it matched the registered owner of the vehicle. There is PC to arrest her
for reckless driving and eluding.
10/22, 11:15 pm, a high speed driver damaged the mirror of a security guard’s car in a parking
lot off Pioneer and then fled the scene. The security guard said the mirror damaging car’s
occupants were impaired. The car was later located north of La Center, driver matched the
description and was later cited by mail via Battle Ground Court.
lot off Pioneer and then fled the scene. The security guard said the mirror damaging car’s
occupants were impaired. The car was later located north of La Center, driver matched the
description and was later cited by mail via Battle Ground Court.
10/24, 6:54 pm, N 3rd, A neighbor backing his car into his driveway ran over the foot of a
juvenile, then went into his house without knowing he’d run over the foot of the juvenile.
A parent transported the juvenile to the hospital for the injury. Closed, not an offense.
juvenile, then went into his house without knowing he’d run over the foot of the juvenile.
A parent transported the juvenile to the hospital for the injury. Closed, not an offense.
10/26, 7:56 pm, two cans of Mike’s Hard alcohol were liberated from the Vicious Cold Evil
Coolers (VCEC’s) of the AM-PM by a kind soul. Sadly, they didn’t stay free long because
their liberator forgot to wear his Vive la Libation balaclava during the escape and he was
spotted at Papa Pete’s Pizza soon thereafter. The Manumitter of Mike Magnificence had
hoped to introduce them to a slice of pizza within the confines of his warm tummy. Instead,
he was cited for Theft 3. Sadly, The two cans were shown no mercy, and were sent back
to their cold, cold VCEC at AM-PM.
Coolers (VCEC’s) of the AM-PM by a kind soul. Sadly, they didn’t stay free long because
their liberator forgot to wear his Vive la Libation balaclava during the escape and he was
spotted at Papa Pete’s Pizza soon thereafter. The Manumitter of Mike Magnificence had
hoped to introduce them to a slice of pizza within the confines of his warm tummy. Instead,
he was cited for Theft 3. Sadly, The two cans were shown no mercy, and were sent back
to their cold, cold VCEC at AM-PM.
10/27, 7:03 pm, S Fieldcrest Drive, A Trek mountain bike valued at $1,000 was stolen from
a backyard. A suspicious blue Ford Explorer was seen in the area earlier, as well as a male
on a bike possibly matching the stolen bike. The incompetent back yard was not cited.
Closed. Suspend/Inactive.
a backyard. A suspicious blue Ford Explorer was seen in the area earlier, as well as a male
on a bike possibly matching the stolen bike. The incompetent back yard was not cited.
Closed. Suspend/Inactive.
10/29, 11:34 pm, S Hillhurst, someone stole some energy drinks from an unsecure
concession stand at the rec center. Fingerprints were taken (and possibly some late
night homework was completed--but probably not). Closed. Suspend/Inactive.
concession stand at the rec center. Fingerprints were taken (and possibly some late
night homework was completed--but probably not). Closed. Suspend/Inactive.
10/30, 1:21 pm, distracted driver drove into the back of a stopped driver waiting to make
a left turn.
a left turn.
10/30, 3:44 pm, fraud committed via bitcoin transactions. Citizen scammed out of
approximately $14,000 in US currency. Apparently the scammers are outside the USA.
Closed. Suspend/Inactive.
approximately $14,000 in US currency. Apparently the scammers are outside the USA.
Closed. Suspend/Inactive.
11/01, 8:08 am, a person said they were going to hurt themself, later located with injury
to an eye, transported to the hospital for treatment. Closed. Not an offense.
to an eye, transported to the hospital for treatment. Closed. Not an offense.
11/01, 4:45 pm, a trick or treating juvenile was bitten by a small dog. Owner given ten
day quarantine notice. Closed. Not an offense.
day quarantine notice. Closed. Not an offense.
There were two cars impounded for having been abandoned during the blotter time period.
What’s up Ridgefield? Think of the cars, people! Maybe I should start a foundation for
neglected cars.
What’s up Ridgefield? Think of the cars, people! Maybe I should start a foundation for
neglected cars.
An alcohol permit was requested for a restaurant called, if memory serves, Burgers and
Brews, for the location next to the Corner Store. If I remember I’ll post a pic of the permit
notice in the comments.
Brews, for the location next to the Corner Store. If I remember I’ll post a pic of the permit
notice in the comments.
The driver of a white toyota truck left a couple of what appeared to be long, circuitous
burn-out tracks in the gravel at Abram’s parking lot before having their front right wheel
pretty much fall off, making the vehicle inoperable. There’s no way to know with specificity
what happened, but it was either bad luck, bad maintenance, or, well, uhm, KARMA!
I have a pic, but don’t want to take the time to fuzz out the license plate and I probably
shouldn’t post it, anyway.
burn-out tracks in the gravel at Abram’s parking lot before having their front right wheel
pretty much fall off, making the vehicle inoperable. There’s no way to know with specificity
what happened, but it was either bad luck, bad maintenance, or, well, uhm, KARMA!
I have a pic, but don’t want to take the time to fuzz out the license plate and I probably
shouldn’t post it, anyway.
In the contested races which I paid attention to, congratulations to the newly elected City
Councilors Rob Aichele and Dana Ziemer, as well as incumbent Sandra Day for their
victories in last week’s election. Kudo’s, too, to Scott Hughes who won the Port race.
Councilors Rob Aichele and Dana Ziemer, as well as incumbent Sandra Day for their
victories in last week’s election. Kudo’s, too, to Scott Hughes who won the Port race.
Blotter 11/02/2019:
The Ridgefield Police Department will provide the information for the blotter covering 10/19 through 10/25 "sometime during the next week," according to the Information Officer at the Police Department in an email. Short Bus Notes: I consulted a friend who has much history with the subject from all important angles. They told me the term and it's meaning are context derived, and entirely dependent on the delivery; delivery of the term, that is, not the passengers. Wait. Of course the delivery of the passengers is important, as well. Well, more important, of course, than the delivery of the term. What I'm trying to say is that the intent of the delivery of the discourse, evil, angelic, or otherwise, and/or the subject (and/or subjects) upon which that intention is delivered is what's important about the delivery of the term by the deliverer, not the passengers, unless the passengers are the subject (or subjects) of the object of the delivery describer. And just to be even clearer, the passengers are the most important issue here. And this writer would do solemnly the duty of delivery of the passengers through the plains of the many spiral vortexes of death (roundabouts) and even past the lightpoles of 1 am contusions on Hillhurst, even to destinations thither and yon, whatever the weather! But what I'm saying is is that the passengers are only important in terms of harm done if accounts of the delivery of them are delivered deplorably. Let me be super-duper clear. The passengers are always the most important delivery of the deliverer, driver or discourserer. BUT the delivery of the term for the bus of a certain length which shall not be named in this sentence, yet dutifully delivered in an alluded to way, is what's most important per earlier admonitions. So, just to be even clearer, the rightness or wrongness of the use of certain terms for the aforementioned delivery conveyance is subjective of the objective of the reporting personage and what is intended of the delivery of said message, be that intentional edification, non-implacable/implacable evil, or egregiously egg-headed attempts at eruditionalisms. Glad I was able to clear that up. Hopefully there won't be anymore issues with buses of somewhat less than the average length so I won't have to come up with a term for a bus less than half the size of the image of the bright yellow, multi-passenger vehicle that appears in your mind's eye when you hear the term 'school bus' which was previously mentioned in a police report I blottered on about despite that the police report as provided lacked confirmation that the bus of limited physical span compared to buses of lengthier spans was an actual 'school' bus and not some other form of large vehicle of same length but different delivery dressing (but not large when compared to other large vehicles).Ridgefield Blotter 10/12/2019 thru 10/18/2019
Hello. I’m going to be posting a police blotter somewhat regularly. I talked to the Chief and the information officer and it seems the way to get the info in its fullest is to request the list from the week previous.
Filed info is available much sooner, and actually pretty much all information is open record, but unless there is a compelling reason where I would need something breaking, the blotter will be a week late. Hope this is of interest.
Blotter, 10/12/2019 thru 10/18/2019
10/13, 2:09 pm, a ‘mentally ill’ person claiming to be God and invincible was ‘taken to the ground’ after refusing an officer’s requests of the person to remove themself of their own accord from reportedly walking in traffic at Pioneer and Main. The person was transported to Legacy by AMR.
10/14, 10:23 am, a person reported suspicious activity and a possible attempted break-in at a private residence the prior evening on N Pioneer Canyon Dr.
10/15, 9:43 am, an estranged husband was arrested for repeatedly violating a valid restraining order.
10/16, 1:27 am, somebody racked up a hefty bill by losing control of a vehicle and smacking into a light pole on Hillhurst.
10/16, 2:33am, A poor soul had to call the boss and explain how the company crane truck and trailer ended up careening off Royle Road and into a field.
10/17, 3:12 pm, KWRL Short Bus #113 was struck by a small SUV as the SUV entered the 35th and Pioneer roundabout. No injuries.
10/18, 6:49 pm, a woman associated with the estranged husband who was arrested on 10/15 repeatedly pounded on the door of and texted the holder of a valid No Contact Order against the estranged husband and/or any third party attempting contact on behalf of the estranged husband. The responding officer was unable to locate the estranged husband or the door pounding femal and so issued a report and citation to Battle Ground for charging.
And some further notes:
The City is experiencing increased parking complaints as it puts up long planned No Parking signs. People are finding they can no longer park where they may have been parking for years.
Some neighbors continue to park cars in front of other people’s houses and leave them there for months.
Some residents of the new apartments off Pioneer are getting on the nerves of some of the other new residents.
Dogs continue to drive neighbors crazy at various locations in the City.
I got the idea to do a blotter after watching the aftermath of a car break-in at Abram’s park. A person left a purse with the car keys in it in an unlocked vehicle. Someone smashed the window of the unlocked door and stole the purse. The vehicle was towed.Wertz's complete response that he posted on the social media app
Chris I objected to Nextdoor about your "opinion" on your above linked blog "" but have not received any response so I will correspond directly here. Chris, My first reaction to your “blog” was that your opinion of yourself is exceeded only by your lack of intellectual integrity and your “penchant” for parroting neo-socialist fall back slander. But it seems you are wrestling with your own personal demons and a few facts might help adjust your perceptions. So in the interest of a “cordial friendship”: 1. The issue of the monument letter was one of jurisdiction. “Activists” shopping a letter to council regarding a property not in Ridgefield that is in violation of the rules of another jurisdiction and asking us to overstep our authority and issue a meaningless dictum binding the name of every Ridgefield citizen to a letter they have not read or had a chance to discuss, - that “friend” is wrong in so many ways and I still feel the letter should not have been signed by the Mayor. Different parts of government have different authorities. Slander for example is handled by the courts. If you want to propose the City annex the subject parcel and then address permitted uses and appropriate zoning then you move into the authority vested in the legislative body that is the City Council. If you want to discuss property security, vandalism, trespass and safety issues we have municipal enforcement and protection authority for those properties in the City Limits. 2. Yes I admit to being responsible for caring about the attractiveness of our City. From arguing for additional streetscape requirements on Pioneer, 45th, Hillhurst -because these entry corridors are the gateway to our home. I also am guilty of instituting the concept of Freewayscape where development along the freeway but in city limits has additional requirements on developers to enhance and not mar the face of our city. But even here our authority/jurisdiction ends at the city limits and the boundary between Ridgefield and the Department of Transportation I-5 Right of Way. 3. With respect to your endorsement of my opponent, I as others have paid a price for your freedom. If you prefer a leader who can recite what has been written over one who has authored and is able to see the need for and author new regulations, then go for it. I am interested more in people and their progress than I am in being tied to unquestioned traditions. Finally Chris, I do not appreciate the insinuation of any character flaws to me. Thousands of years of justice have required at least two believable witnesses to raise a claim Attack on my character is more than “a little dust up.”
My response to Wertz's comment
I waited a full day to post a response in hopes that he would think better of slandering me publicly. Initially, I asked the City of Ridgefield to Censure Wertz in some way in lieu of any other action I might take. I've since rescinded that request and asked that the whole thing be dropped as a sign of respect for Wertz's combat service in Vietnam.
Here was the response I made one day after he posted his comment:
Thanks for the reply. I did not attack your character. I attacked your judgement on a very important issue to me and judging by the huge public outcry, a number of other Citizens of Ridgefield. Judgement should be the primary cause of winning or losing votes. If a citizen, or any affected individual, cannot publicly question a public official’s judgement without fear of denigration, humiliation, and threats of a lawsuit, then how should we express our opinions? As to the appropriateness of the letter jurisdictionally, I would defer to the City Attorney and City Manager who would have, or should have, been aware of it and approved of its legality. As to the appropriateness of elected representatives authorizing an opinion letter without the complete knowledge of the citizenry, that speaks to a problem with representative government and an ill informed citizenry more generally. My memory of your reasoning on that letter was that the monument was ‘part of our heritage,’ and if you’d brought up these other issues in addition, I believe I would have remembered that your reasoning on the matter was more complex, at the least. On a more personal note, I am 100% in agreement that soldiers fought and died for my freedom. I’m not one to pretend that civilization springs from philosophy alone. But political philosophy and the free public airing of different, sometimes discordant, or unwelcome at the first, ideas is also important to democracy, without soldiers of course, but also without the ideas they fight for—ideas cobbled together over centuries from many different opinions—we wouldn’t have freedom. The ideas we inherited, and you fought for, have a long and opposing path in our country’s history. My political forebears are as extant in early US History as their opposites. I wrote the piece for a few reasons. Among them, previously, I thought I’d offended you on a different matter, but when I apologized you said that, paraphrasing, you have a very thick skin, or it is very hard to offend you, or something like that. And, also, I wrote and spoke about that vote in particular because I realized the main reason I liked Aichele was your vote on that letter, so I could lie or tell the truth. I chose to speak my opinion honestly based on my understanding of the issue and about a public official who had voted on the issue and spoken to me directly about the issue. Now that public official is publicly (at least on this forum) questioning my intellectual integrity and my mental fitness. As to the thought that I would support the taking of public property expressly to limit individual speech, I’m reminded of two episodes. The first is the only other time I can recall when I was surprised by and disappointed with how you voted. It was a vote on one of those roundabouts, and you voted for the city taking private property from a reluctant private citizen for the roundabout. I oppose all imminent domain acquisitions other than very rare and very specific instances. The other issue that reminds me of this one, unfortunately, I can’t give any details about. But, it does involve speech and a private organization’s assumption of ownership of public property such that they overrule the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of expression at their whimsy. The only thing I can say on the matter, though I’d take it to court if others weren’t impacted, is that the principal of freedom of speech both my grandfathers (both WWII Purple Heart, Union supporting liberals) the man I’m named after (Vietnam combat veteran) and that I regularly speak about in absolutist terms for, is made meaningless; that is, my professed belief in Free Speech is wasted air if I won’t speak up for it when someone else’s ideas make me uncomfortable. And so I do speak up when Nazis want to rally, etc.. And I speak up against those you have seemingly assumed are my political brethren when they want to limit those freedoms for some fungible understanding of the public good. though I despise what some Americans say, I will seek to defend their their right to say it. As to the Nextdoor guidelines, I’ve read through intently and my understanding is that my posts meet the community standard. If they take them down I will adjust accordingly. The only time these get close to violating those standards, so far, is when someone posts a reply to my original post that restates my opinion, usually to some degree misrepresenting what I’ve said. This despite that I’ve said repeatedly that they can either stop listening before I give my opinion, or correspond with me on the blog off-site, and of course they can also just PM here. I will assume you have no interest in a recorded interview over Skype or Facebook? Considering the anger in your comment, the threats, and insults, I would hesitate to meet you for an in-person interview. Good day sir.
Ridgefield City Council Wertz vs Aichele, 2019
Hi this is Chris Dudley and the Ridgefield News and Views Podcast.
With this podcast I hope to create a regular forum for news, opinion, and interviews about the people, happenings, and other important goings on in Ridgefield Washington.
And just as a side note, my wife and I are not exactly the Kelly Ann Conway and George Conway of Ridgefield politics, but at least know that my wife is not in lockstep with me on the opinions I’m sharing. She’s much more a get along with everyone community member, whereas I don’t mind a neighborly dust up here and there.
I hope you’ll follow along at crisis cycling dot com, where this and other podcasts will be posted and where you can comment.
On Wednesday night, October 16th, 2019, I attended the candidate forum hosted by the League of Women voters held at the Clark County Fire Station at Dollar’s Corner in Battle Ground.
The following recording is of the candidates vying for Ridgefield City Council Position Five which features incumbent Darren Wertz and challenger Rob Aichele.
After the recorded forum I will add more information and my opinions and recommendations, so stick around if you’re interested and or go to if you’d like to comment.
But please be warned, I give my opinion after the candidates’ final statements.
But please be warned, I give my opinion after the candidates’ final statements.
You can also find my podcast facebook page, crisis cycling, or, and these are on facebook as well, The Ridgefield Community Group, which is an advocacy group we put together, and Meaningful Movies in Ridgefield. We show documentary films at The Old Liberty theater on the fourth Wednesday of every month. We hold a panel discussion after the screening and it’s always free to the public.
Now to the recorded forum. The first voice you will hear is that of the moderator.
So this is an interesting race for me and the first time I have to waid into politics where I don’t really want to, and only because I like both these guys.
Wertz is diligent and detail oriented. He has attended a couple of our screenings at Meaningful Movies. And he’s always willing to discuss ideas that are outside the box.
For instance, I’m a big fan of locally produced food, agro-ecological approaches to food production, permaculture, that sort of thing, and I figured I knew all the buzzwords, but Wertz was the one who told me about the concept of an agrihood, or homes built around a small farm.
Wertz has spoken out about limiting low employment development that would degrade our community, and he knows the law around development. He hopes to get some high quality signage on the highway to attract people and businesses to Ridgefield.
I even voted for Wertz in his last election. So, I speak with integrity on this race when I endorse Rob Aichele.
But, Aichele is also very detail oriented, he’s heavily involved in the community, he sits on the planning commission, is an active member of the Lion’s Club, and has a lifetime’s experience in construction so he knows how to deal with unscrupulous developers.
As I said, I like both these guys but I endorse Rob Aichele for City Council Position 5. He’s knocked on almost 3000 doors in his bid to meet the citizens of Ridgefield. He can cite chapter and verse the bylaws of City, and discuss in great detail the Growth Management Act.
Seriously, like mind numbingly boring detail.
I believe he would make a great addition to the council.
One reason I believe Aichele would make a better city councilor than Wertz, among a number is that Wertz showed questionable judgement when he voted against a basic issue of, for lack of a better term, looking forward when it came to one technically and symbolicaly important resolution.
Now I’m going to deep dive, and then even go a little tangential, so hang on.
In what might be a much more impactful vote than any of us realize for it’s economic implications, let alone the inherent racist overtones, since the last election Wertz voted against the City of Ridgefield weighing in on a controversy surrounding those abhorrent confederate flags that fly just south of the Pioneer, I-5 on-ramp.
Wertz voted against the city penning a letter to the Clark County Historic Preservation Commission saying The City of Ridgefield supported de-listing the confederate monument on an official government website. This gets a little wonky, so bare with me.
Its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man.
A few years ago the Clark County Historic Preservation Commission under rather ideological leadership had erroneously erred in listing as an official historic sight a confederate monument that had been moved to private property and was, and is still, displayed with large confederate flags as well as a fawning display dedicated to Jefferson Davis.
Just over a year ago there was a community outcry about the official recognition and listing of that monument. Activists asked cities in Clark County to send letters to the Clark County Historic Preservation Commission asking the board to de-list the monument.
So this can be confusing, but suffice to say that the vote was about whether or not it was appropriate for a government entity to officially sanction and, importantly, promote a confederate monument that was not in it’s original place, had little if any genuine historical cause to be in Ridgefield to begin with, and was displayed with garrish, over the top celebrations of the confederacy.
I made the point, during public comments at a September 28th, 2017 city council meeting, that there were numerous technical issues that required the monument to be de-listed regardless of the subject matter of the monument and that any other arguments were overcome by the Historic Preservation Commission’s own rules and regulations.
I made the point, during public comments at a September 28th, 2017 city council meeting, that there were numerous technical issues that required the monument to be de-listed regardless of the subject matter of the monument and that any other arguments were overcome by the Historic Preservation Commission’s own rules and regulations.
In a subsequent ruling, members of the HIstoric Preservation Commission cited exactly these same technical issues as reason to delist the monument, which they rightly did.
But, before the de-listing, and much to my disappointment, Councilor Wertz joined with Councilor Lee Wells to vote against sending the letter from the City of Ridgefield asking the Historic Preservation Commission to de-list the monument. It was Five to two, and the letter was sent.
After the vote Wertz came up to me to say that he appreciated my points but that the confederate display was “part of our heritage”. Though I don’t agree with him on that in this case, and my roots go back on both sides deep, deep into the south (like 1590 Louisiana. The civil war veterans in the family are youngin’s), Heritage was not part of my argument, nor was a negation of that idea of heritage subsequently cited as a reason to de-list the monument.
What this shows is a penchant on the part of Wertz to ignore the rules in the benefit of a belief. And that does bother me. I know he and I don’t share the same beliefs as regards economics, but in the context of a City Council seat that doesn’t necessarily bother me such that I would refuse to vote for him.
But when belief in more fungible areas, like whether or not a rebel flag is appropriate to officially sanction in the Pacific Northwest, when that type of belief overcomes extant and clearly written regulations, I’m given pause.
So setting aside the technical issues now, I saw this as an important vote because those flags and monument are anachronisms to this area, and the monument itself is not anywhere near its original location--Nevermind that it was placed during a revisionist period in US history when the South was, yet again, trying to rewrite its own history and glorify the more wretched aspects of its past.
But, there’s more. And it’s important to consider Wertz’s hope for some good signage attracting people to Ridgefield on the highway, because those flags are probably costing our City thousands upon thousands of dollars as people who would otherwise stop for goods or recreation avoid our area simply because of those flags.
Setting aside the inherent racist attack on our African American brothers and sisters, we should ask, 'How much is that display costing the City of Ridgefield?'
I have driven all over this country, and walked a fair bit of it. And when possible, I avoid towns where displays of this nature are near the highway off-ramp. I will even turn around and get back on the highway if I see this type of display. I've asked a number of people about this issue and I can assure you that there are many, many people who won't stop where a Confederate flag is displayed.
Nothing says that a community is unsafe for minority families more than a flag that is now a calling card for violent white nationalists.
Over the years probably thousands upon thousands of people have kept driving rather than stop in Ridgefield. How much has that flag display cost our community? And is there a welcoming sign large enough to overcome it?
How would someone know that we are a forward looking community committed to inclusion and kindness when the biggest, most obvious sign on the freeway is a proverbial welcome mat that says 'You Don't Belong!'
The cost of missed sales and taxes must be enormous. But, think of the other missed opportunities. If all I knew of Ridgefield was that giant confederate display, I would never start a business here. If you were in clean, high tech and needing to attract millennial whiz kid employees, would you see past the message in those flags? I doubt it.
So, I guess I just see it as a bit disingenuous to want a welcoming highway presence at the same time you won’t take steps to lessen the impact of a racist, hateful symbol that’s already on our doorstep.
So, I guess I just see it as a bit disingenuous to want a welcoming highway presence at the same time you won’t take steps to lessen the impact of a racist, hateful symbol that’s already on our doorstep.
Sorry, the tenth amendment arguments defy the words of the leaders of the Confederacy. Now I’m really going tangential and only because the idea that the Civil War was not primarily about slavery is simply, knowably ahistorical.
This from the January 2nd, 2011 Hartfourd Courant newspaper,
“When the war started, leaders of the Southern rebellion were entirely straightforward about (slavery being the central issue of the Civil War). On March 21, 1861, Alexander Stephens, the Confederacy's vice president, gave what came to be known as the "Cornerstone speech" in which he declared that the "proper status of the Negro in our form of civilization" was "the immediate cause of the late rupture."
Thomas Jefferson, Stephens said, had been wrong in believing "that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature."
"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea," Stephens insisted. "Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical and moral truth."
So when you here someone say something other than that slavery was the primary cause of the civil war at least now you can simply quote the actual leaders of the confederacy who said that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War.
Anyway, you can see why I need to podcast. I probably need my own 3 hour daily talk show, to be honest.
That’s it, though, I like Aichele. I think he’ll be great on the council. And if Wertz wins Aichele will continue to serve our community and I’ll have another chance to convince Wertz of the error s of his ways, just kidding. I listen and learn from him, too, and I hope we can continue to have a cordial friendship.
Catch this and my other podcast, Crisis Cycling where I dig into larger, more esoteric subjects, at crisiscycling dot com. Or find us on facebook at Ridgefield Community Group.
Chris I objected to Nextdoor about your "opinion" on your above linked blog "" but have not received any response so I will correspond directly here.
My first reaction to your “blog” was that your opinion of yourself is exceeded only by your lack of intellectual integrity and your “penchant” for parroting neo-socialist fall back slander.
But it seems you are wrestling with your own personal demons and a few facts might help adjust your perceptions. So in the interest of a “cordial friendship”:
1. The issue of the monument letter was one of jurisdiction. “Activists” shopping a letter to council regarding a property not in Ridgefield that is in violation of the rules of another jurisdiction and asking us to overstep our authority and issue a meaningless dictum binding the name of every Ridgefield citizen to a letter they have not read or had a chance to discuss, - that “friend” is wrong in so many ways and I still feel the letter should not have been signed by the Mayor.
Different parts of government have different authorities. Slander for example is handled by the courts.
If you want to propose the City annex the subject parcel and then address permitted uses and appropriate zoning then you move into the authority vested in the legislative body that is the City Council.
If you want to discuss property security, vandalism, trespass and safety issues we have municipal enforcement and protection authority for those properties in the City Limits.
2. Yes I admit to being responsible for caring about the attractiveness of our City. From arguing for additional streetscape requirements on Pioneer, 45th, Hillhurst -because these entry corridors are the gateway to our home. I also am guilty of instituting the concept of Freewayscape where development along the freeway but in city limits has additional requirements on developers to enhance and not mar the face of our city. But even here our authority/jurisdiction ends at the city limits and the boundary between Ridgefield and the Department of Transportation I-5 Right of Way.
3. With respect to your endorsement of my opponent, I as others have paid a price for your freedom. If you prefer a leader who can recite what has been written over one who has authored and is able to see the need for and author new regulations, then go for it.
I am interested more in people and their progress than I am in being tied to unquestioned traditions.
Finally Chris, I do not appreciate the insinuation of any character flaws to me. Thousands of years of justice have required at least two believable witnesses to raise a claim Attack on my character is more than “a little dust up.”
Catch this and my other podcast, Crisis Cycling where I dig into larger, more esoteric subjects, at crisiscycling dot com. Or find us on facebook at Ridgefield Community Group.

Ridgefield City Council Day vs Rowan, 2019
Hi this is Chris Dudley and the Ridgefield News and Views Podcast.
With this podcast I hope to create a regular forum for news, opinion, and interviews about the people, happenings, and other important goings on in Ridgefield Washington.
I’ll also be discussing topics that we will be showing as part of my wife and my regular documentary series at the Old Liberty Theater in downtown Ridgefield. Find us on facebook at Meaningful Movies in Ridgefield (We show films every fourth Wednesday of the month excepting December--though I’m trying to secure right to the film Idiocracy for this coming December).
Please find links to these and my other podcast, Crisis Cycling, which deals with issues less specific to Ridgefield but still important to our citizens, at Crisis cycling dot com.
On Wednesday night, October 16th, 2019, I attended the candidate forum hosted by the League of Women voters held at the Clark County Fire Station at Dollar’s Corner in Battle Ground.
This first discussion is between incumbent Sandra Day and challenger Ronald Rowan for the Ridgefield City Council race, position number 7.
After the recorded forum I will add more information and my opinions and recommendations, so stick around if you’re interested and or go to if you’d like to comment. You can also find my podcast facebook page, crisis cycling, or, and these are all on facebook as well, The Ridgefield Community Group, and as I mentioned Meaningful Movies in Ridgefield.
The first voice you will hear is that of the moderator.
During the presentation Rowan mentions the Ridgefield Multicultural Festival. I really wanted to thank him for that. He volunteered at the festival this year. That’s dear to my heart, personally, because my wife Megan Dudley was the progenitor of the idea of having a multicultural festival, and she’s the main driver behind it. I can’t tell you how many hours she puts into the festival every year. So, thank you to Mr Rowan.
But, my endorsement goes to Sandra Day. I’ve spoken with her many times, she’s come to our community group meeting and made a presentation on growth, she’s always been willing to stop and talk or answer an email.
Also, I’ve found that she has an open mind to ideas that I’ve brought up in my quest to help make Ridgefield a resilient community. I should probably do a whole podcast on that, but suffice to say, I believe we should be working as a community to prepare for an uncertain future by learning to provide for ourselves in every way, food and energy production, what we do with our waste, and just generally connecting here for goods and services rather then looking over there somewhere.
I’m a firm believer in the social philosophy of degrowth, which advocates for conserving what we already have, and making our communities livable the way they are as opposed to being in a state of always begging for constant growth.
I’m a firm believer in the social philosophy of degrowth, which advocates for conserving what we already have, and making our communities livable the way they are as opposed to being in a state of always begging for constant growth.
When I brought this idea to Sandra Day she listened and seemed engaged with the underlying hopes inherent in that philosophy despite she and I landing on the opposite sides of the binary political divide we’re currently stuck in.
As another indicator, a couple of years ago I asked the Port of Ridgefield’s Executive Director Brent Grening if he knew of any properties that might be used for a permaculture showcase. Permaculture is an agro ecological approach to sustainable, real organic food production. Grening was interested, knew of a small location and put me in touch with Sandray Day.
Sandra Day liked the idea and brought me to a couple of meetings with other interested parties. Nothing came of it mostly because I began to realize the actual work was going to be too much for me to do on my own--but that opportunity is still out there and I’m sure Sandra Day would pick it up right where we left if off.
She works tirelessly for Ridgefield.
Ronald Rowan is prone to posting memes on his facebook page decrying the rise of Sharia Law in the US, which is just not actually happening from any objective standpoint.
Rowan does talk about the need for affordable housing here, but didn’t offer any concrete plans.
Of course, that’s a whole ‘nother massive issue. Other than as a band aid here and there, I see houselessness and poverty as being more functions of Federal policies than ones that can be meaningfully addressed by individual communities. For his part, Rowan appears to be of the political persuasion that is currently dismantling what few Federal programs remain that help marginalized people.
Of course, that’s a whole ‘nother massive issue. Other than as a band aid here and there, I see houselessness and poverty as being more functions of Federal policies than ones that can be meaningfully addressed by individual communities. For his part, Rowan appears to be of the political persuasion that is currently dismantling what few Federal programs remain that help marginalized people.
But, I really appreciate Rowan’s advocacy for affordable housing, his volunteer work in the community, and his willingness to stand up and serve his community.
I’m sure he’ll be around and I look forward to talking to him about community resilience, but I endorse Sandra Day. She’s the most prepared, has the most experience, and has worked tirelessly for Ridgefield.
Let me know what you think. You can join the conversation on my web page at crisis cycling dot com, or for that matter, join us at one of our monthly documentary screenings at the Old Liberty Theater downtown, every fourth Wednesday of the month, excluding Decembers, doors at 630, films at 7, always free to the public, snacks, wine, and coffee available at the counter. Thank youj.
Kelly vs Hughes, Ridgefield Port 2019
This is a recording of the forum that was held October 16, 2019 between Scott Hughes and David Kelly, held by the League of Women Voters at the Clark County Firestation, Dollar's Corner, Battle Ground, Washington.
After listening...
You might have picked up on an important difference in these two candidates. Scott Hughes who has been instrumental in bringing high quality enterprises to Ridgefield like the hopefuly soon to open Rosauers Grocery Store, as well as the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Offices, and a number of other good job providing businesses, has ten years of stewardship of the port under his belt, and he’s been part of the team that’s shepherded the massive environmental cleanup at the port that has so far has cost something like 90 million dollars. So we’ve finally got it almost all cleaned up under Scott Hughes and the team at the Port. The Ridgefield Port has won accolades and is held up as an icon of public stewardship in our state.
David Kelly wants to sell the properties adjacent to Lake River which are currently owned by the port, and privatize development there. This is why I say this is the most important of the local Ridgefield races.
If that land, currently mostly empty, and I’m talking for the most part those big empty fields north of the boatramp, if that land falls into private hands, it could easily be bought by a massive, multinational corporation which could, with the right amount of money--and the fossil fuel industry seems to have no end of money--put a coal or oil shipping facility right there.
So that 90 million bucks the public has coughed up to clean and repair the port would never be recouped and, at least if history is any guide, privatization would necessarily limit the public’s access to those lands, essentially end control of what goes on them, and probably lead to a degredation of the services at the boat ramp as well as increases in prices to use whatever facilities are left standing for the public.
An important example, and even on point, considering the Port of Ridgefield’s attempts to bring Dark Fiber, or super high speed internet, to Ridgefield, is the internet itself. The US government built at great taxpayer expense the underpinnings and much of the infrastructure of the internet and then, under Bill Clinton with nearly unanimous Republican consent, gave it away for free to private industry. This lead to what we in the US have today, the slowest, most expensive, most commodified, and least competitive internet in the developed world. It’s the reason you only have expensive crappy internet or expensive really crappy internet to choose from in Ridgefield.
Hughes, on the other hand, and I should add that Scott Hughes and I are probably way far apart on most of the hot button issues, but Hughes prefers that the land the port owns next to Lake River stay in the hands of the citizens in and around Ridgefield so that we will continue to have a say in what facilities and businesses are put there into the future. Hughes prefers leasing and the controls that allows us to have so we can wait for the right, high quality development for our town. Kelly prefers to let the monied interests decide.
For this reason alone I endorse Scott Hughes for Ridgefield Port Comissioner.
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